Framed images for the wall including acrylic wall art, tray frames, and canvases:

15 inch wall portrait:  €260
20 inch wall portrait:  €425
24 inch wall portrait:  €525
30 inch wall portrait:  €575
40 inch wall portrait:  €685
Frames at Loxley Colour.
Smaller images and digital files:
Collection 1: €400
A set of five 8 inch mounted portraits and the same five images as digital files.
Collection 2: €685
A set of ten 8 inch mounted portraits and the same ten images as digital files.
Collection 3: €1085
A set of twenty 8 inch mounted portraits and the same twenty images as digital files.
Copyright Notice
All images on this site unless otherwise stated are the copyright of Owen O'Connor. All photographs appearing within this website unless otherwise stated are the exclusive property of Owen O'Connor and are protected under Irish & international copyright laws.
It is illegal to download, reproduce, copy, store, manipulate, project, use or alter in any way, alone or with use of any other material, or by use of computer or any other electronic means without the express written permission of Owen O'Connor. The use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration is a violation of copyright. By entering and viewing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this copyright notice. No images on this website are within the public domain.
Title to all photographs, transparencies and digital or electronic images, and other material whether analogue or digital hereafter called (‘The Works’) delivered to the client/customer remain the property of the photographer Owen O'Connor. The client/customer shall not be permitted to sell any of The Works without the prior agreement of the photographer, or pass these Works to any third party.  In addition – these Works cannot be cropped in any manner, including any composite or distorted representation of these Works, without the prior written agreement of the photographer. Any unauthorised use or infringement will be subject to 100% uplift in addition to the appropriate fees.
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